5G Radio Mast Clarke Telecom location map
5G Radio Mast - Letter to Sheryll Murray
Sent by email 26th May 2023 @ 14:29hrs
Dear Sheryll
I understand one of Landrake with St Erney Parishioners has been in touch with you regarding Cornwall Council’s decision to approve the planning application for 5G mast on the entrance to Landrake Village, off the A38.
The Parish Council kindly asks you to:
1. Lobby the government to put forward changes to this type of planning application, so that local communities can have a meaningful say in what happens in their communities (or on this case, what is imposed on the community without their consent).
2. Contact National Highways urging them to take into consideration the safety views of Landrake Community.
Steve Hellier, Project Manager, Third Party Scheme Delivery
South West Operations Division
National Highways | Ash House | Falcon Road, Sowton Ind. Estate | Exeter | EX2 7LB
Tel: 0300 470 4383 | Mobile: 07917 068800
3. Write to the Managing Director of C K Hutchinson requesting work with the community to source alternative locations.
(Although different circumstances because the application didn’t get to approval stage, Janet Finch-Saunders, Member of the Welsh Parliament for Aelod o Senedd Cymru dros Aberconw, was able to secure an alterative location for Llandudno by writing to Three, now C K Hutchinson. See link: Plans for new 5G mast in Llandudno will not be going ahead | North Wales Pioneer)
You will see from the number of comments of the portal and the signed petition the strength of objection from Landrake Community.
The Parish Council and members of the community is not objecting to a 5g mast in the parish and have tried to put forward alternative suggested locations but the Parish Council are of the firm opinion that the proposed location is totally unsuitable.
1. The location would be blocking the view of the road a busy junction. Already there are far too many accidents on this stretch of the A38.
2. The mast would act as a potential distraction at the main access junction for Landrake, as well as to passing traffic on the A38, a major access route into Cornwall and already an accident black spot.
3. This stretch of the A38 is already an accident hotspot and the siting of this mast could obstruct drivers visibility or distract them adding further dangers.
4. The mast would be a blight on the landscape and an eyesore to the entrance of a traditional Cornish village. Code of Practice for Wireless Network Development in England from Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport states "Mast positioning: all new masts should be sited, so far as is practicable, so as to minimise their impact on their setting, including the landscape and any buildings (para 36)"
The Parish Council has made every effort to try to engage with the Clarke Telecom to put forward alternative suggestions. As representatives of the community it serves, the Parish Council, supported by Cornwall Councillor Martin Worth have spent a lot of time and effort communicating with the agents and Cornwall Council.
The community of Landrake have been let down because legislation for Permitted Development Rights for Electronic Communications infrastructure do not allow for the communities views and valid material planning considerations to be taken into account.
The Parish Council have a public meeting next Tuesday (30th May 2023) and hope to be able to provide an update detailing your involvement and positive support.
All documents relating to this application can be found here PA23/02464 | Prior notification of proposed development by telecommunications code systems operators for telecommunication equipment and cabinets | Telecommunications Cabinet School Road Landrake Cornwall PL12 5DZ
Please refer to the comments on planning application PA23/00259
PA23/00259 | Prior notification of proposed development by telecommunications code system operators for telecommunication equipment and cabinets. | Telecommunications Cabinet School Road Landrake Cornwall PL12 5DZ
Which was withdrawn and subsequently replaced by PA23/02464 (which is a minor difference in size).
PA23/02464 | Prior notification of proposed development by telecommunications code systems operators for telecommunication equipment and cabinets | Telecommunications Cabinet School Road Landrake Cornwall PL12 5DZ
Kind Regards
Karenza Heald
Karenza Heald
Parish Clerk / RFO for Landrake with St Erney Parish Council
Tel 07854 948936
Please find attached:
1. Landrake with St Erney Parish Council’s objection
2. Petition from Landrake with St Erney Parishioners
3. Communication between Landrake with St Erney Parish Council and Cornwall Council’s Planning Officer
4. Cornwall Council’s Delegated Officer Report
5. Cornwall Council’s letter to Clarke Telecom (the agents for this application) detailing conditions of the approval.
6. Location map
Download document (pdf)
29th May 2023