Ultrafast broadband and the Gigabit Voucher scheme – drop-in session
Following a very successful drive by the parish council with the support of residents, Openreach have been building ultrafast fibre broadband for residents and businesses in and around Landrake, with the help of funding that has been made available using the Government’s Gigabit voucher scheme. The broadband build is now mostly complete and residents that pledged a government voucher to the project can now place an order for the new, faster service.Openreach are holding a drop-in session for voucher holders so that you can come along and ask any questions that you may have regarding the vouchers or the new broadband network.
Can’t make it but want to learn more? Please contact Mervyn Gingell on mervyn.gingell@landrakeparishcouncil.gov.uk
Hope to see you there!
10th October 2023