Parish Councillors
Chairman Cllr Mr M R Gingell (Chairman)
General Notice of Registerable Interests (pdf)
Cllr Miss P J Barton
General Notice of Registerable Interests (pdf)
Cllr Mrs H Cartledge-Claus
General Notice of Registerable Interests (pdf)
Cllr Mr Paul Hooper
Cllr Mrs Penny Mathers
General Notice of Registerable Interests (pdf)
Cllr Cllr Dawn Morris
Cllr Mr Nigel Owen
General Notice of Registerable Interests (pdf)
Cllr Mrs R A Savery
General Notice of Registerable Interests (pdf)
Cllr Dr Sara Walker (Vice Chair)
General Notice of Registerable Interests (pdf)
Parish Clerk Mr Christopher Cook
24 Rashleigh Avenue
PL12 4NS
Tel: 07523005414
Cornwall Councillor: Martin Worth