Notices and News
Ultrafast broadband and the Gigabit Voucher scheme – drop-in session
Following a very successful drive by the parish council with the support of residents, Openreach have been building ultrafast fibre broadband for residents and businesses in and around Landrake, with the help of funding that has been made available using the Government’s Gigabit voucher scheme. The broadband build is now mostly complete and residents that pledged a government voucher to the project can now place an order for the new, faster service.
Openreach are holding a drop-in session for voucher holders so that you can come along and ask any questions that you may have regarding the vouchers or the new broadband network.
Can’t make it but want to learn more? Please contact Mervyn Gingell on
Hope to see you there!
10th October 2023
Parish Council / Responsibile Finance Officer vacancy
Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
Home based. Parish Council meetings once a month in Sir Robert Geffery Memorial Hall, Landrake
Salary: SCP 18 - SCP 23 (£27,344 – £30,149 pro rata / £14.21 - £15.67per hour) depending on experience plus mileage to meetings and home office allowance.
28 hours per month – flexible working.
Parish Council meetings take place on the second Tuesday of every month (generally there are no Parish Council meetings in August and December)
Applicants are welcome to contact the outgoing Clerk or the Chairman for an informal chat.
Karenza Heald, current Clerk / RFO – Tel 07854 948936
Mervyn Gingell, Chairman – Tel 07890 027655
To receive an application form and job description please send an email
Interview dates to be confirmed. Deadline for applications midday on Monday 23rd October 2023.
December 2023 / January 2024
Landrake with St Erney Parish Council is seeking an enthusiastic and organised part-time Parish Clerk / Responsible Finance Officer. Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced candidates who can work independently and flexibly with a strong community focus. The Parish Clerk will be responsible for the administration of the business and finances of the Council.
Landrake with St Erney is a small parish in South East Cornwall, approximately 4 miles west of Saltash, comprising the main village of Landrake, outlying hamlets of St Erney and Poldrissick to the South, and Cuttivett and Penquite to the North of the A38, which splits the village. The local population within the parish is approximately 1200 people, and there is a strong community spirit within the village.
The ideal candidate will have excellent administrative and communications skills, good knowledge of financial procedures plus a high level of IT expertise and an ability to be flexible to the needs of the job. A working knowledge of Local Government procedures is desirable.
10 Parish Councillors
Current precept 19508
Responsibility for village play park and playing fields.
Sole trustees of Sir Robert Geffery Memorial Hall.
Download document (pdf)
6th October 2023
5G Mast Off A38 Communication with Three
Dear Ms Davies
Thank you for your letter dated 31st May 2023
I do not understand why the emails bounced back as undeliverable but would be grateful if you could reply by email to my email address and copy my Chairman and vice-chairman in the interest of time.
The Parish Council has the following questions for THREE :
1. Consulting with communities - Does THREE take community affairs seriously and work with communities to find solutions in cases such as Landrake where there is a very significant feeling in the community that the location of a mast is dangerous and inappropriate? We are aware of other examples (Ilkley, Llandudno) where THREE has listened to communities, and would urge THREE to think again before proceeding under the planning approval PA23/02464 to install this mast in a dangerous and unsightly location at the entrance to our village.
2. Will you meet with us? - Will THREE agree to meet (preferably on—site or alternatively - by Zoom) with our parish council to again explore alternative sites for this mast?
Whilst the statement “ in reaching their decision the LPA assessed highways safety and considered the siting and appearance of the proposed site” is factually correct it is far from the whole story.
3. Why was the first application withdrawn? = Following the submission of PA23/00259 (the first application for a 20m mast at this location), after over 70 written objections and a petition of 226 people, THREE, via Clarke Telecom. withdrew the application. The Parish Council would like to know the reason why this was withdrawn, and if the local objections played any part in THREE’s decision.
4. Why was there no consultation with Highways ? As part of PA23/00259, Highways submitted concerns about the dangerous location of the mast. An extract of their response is shown below
National Highways consultee response PA23/02464
It is necessary that we fully understand any potential impact on the highway that may result from the installation and subsequent operation of the equipment, in accordance with DfT Circular 01/2022. It would be expected that the agreement of National Highways would be sought prior to the submission of a prior notification application, which has not happened in this case. This is disappointing given our comments to the previous application reference PA23/00259.
National Highways consultee response PA23/00259
It would be expected that the agreement of National Highways would be sought prior to the submission of a prior notification application, which has not happened in this case.
Assessment of highways impact National Highways considers that the proposed development has the potential to adversely impact on the safe and effective operation of the A38 for the following reasons: 2 Registered office Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford GU1 4LZ National Highways Limited registered in England and Wales number 09346363 • the mast is within falling distance of the A38 carriageway and footway and no technical approvals for the structure have been provided and no road safety audit undertaken; • the installation could be vulnerable to an errant vehicle strike and it is not clear what protection measures have been considered; • no information has been provided regarding how safe and suitable access for maintenance will be achieved to ensure the A38 carriageway and footway will not be damaged or impeded after installation.
It is clear that in both cases (PA 23/00259 and PA23/02464) that there has been no prior consultation with Highways about this development. Why did THREE bypass the normal consultation process and not involve Highways, particularly as the A38 in this part of Cornwall is so dangerous?
5. Provision of 4G and 5G services to the local area – from the Clarke Telecom correspondence, the local area to be served by this mast location is approximately 50 houses. Any connectivity that serves the wider A38 (eg traffic, GPS etc) could easily be met from alternative locations, and we believe that there are alternative sites in the village that could be used for full coverage. Could THREE answer this question – how many THREE customers within the “red lines” on the Clarke Telecom correspondence – would be served by this mast?
Request to reconsider – the Parish Council is acting on behalf of the community who overwhelmingly do not want this mast at the proposed location. We have proposed multiple other locations for the mast and feel that THREE could show flexibility and a true desire to engage with communities before going ahead and implementing this planning decision. We know that the planning system is in favour of development, but surely there must be some balance between “progress at all costs” and the very strong views of a community which is ready to welcome 5G in a safe location.
We urge THREE to meet with the Parish Council to seek an alternative safe site for this mast.
We await your reply.
20230608 Response letter from Three
8th June 2023
5G Radio Mast - Letter to Sheryll Murray
Sent by email 26th May 2023 @ 14:29hrs
Dear Sheryll
I understand one of Landrake with St Erney Parishioners has been in touch with you regarding Cornwall Council’s decision to approve the planning application for 5G mast on the entrance to Landrake Village, off the A38.
The Parish Council kindly asks you to:
1. Lobby the government to put forward changes to this type of planning application, so that local communities can have a meaningful say in what happens in their communities (or on this case, what is imposed on the community without their consent).
2. Contact National Highways urging them to take into consideration the safety views of Landrake Community.
Steve Hellier, Project Manager, Third Party Scheme Delivery
South West Operations Division
National Highways | Ash House | Falcon Road, Sowton Ind. Estate | Exeter | EX2 7LB
Tel: 0300 470 4383 | Mobile: 07917 068800
3. Write to the Managing Director of C K Hutchinson requesting work with the community to source alternative locations.
(Although different circumstances because the application didn’t get to approval stage, Janet Finch-Saunders, Member of the Welsh Parliament for Aelod o Senedd Cymru dros Aberconw, was able to secure an alterative location for Llandudno by writing to Three, now C K Hutchinson. See link: Plans for new 5G mast in Llandudno will not be going ahead | North Wales Pioneer)
You will see from the number of comments of the portal and the signed petition the strength of objection from Landrake Community.
The Parish Council and members of the community is not objecting to a 5g mast in the parish and have tried to put forward alternative suggested locations but the Parish Council are of the firm opinion that the proposed location is totally unsuitable.
1. The location would be blocking the view of the road a busy junction. Already there are far too many accidents on this stretch of the A38.
2. The mast would act as a potential distraction at the main access junction for Landrake, as well as to passing traffic on the A38, a major access route into Cornwall and already an accident black spot.
3. This stretch of the A38 is already an accident hotspot and the siting of this mast could obstruct drivers visibility or distract them adding further dangers.
4. The mast would be a blight on the landscape and an eyesore to the entrance of a traditional Cornish village. Code of Practice for Wireless Network Development in England from Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport states "Mast positioning: all new masts should be sited, so far as is practicable, so as to minimise their impact on their setting, including the landscape and any buildings (para 36)"
The Parish Council has made every effort to try to engage with the Clarke Telecom to put forward alternative suggestions. As representatives of the community it serves, the Parish Council, supported by Cornwall Councillor Martin Worth have spent a lot of time and effort communicating with the agents and Cornwall Council.
The community of Landrake have been let down because legislation for Permitted Development Rights for Electronic Communications infrastructure do not allow for the communities views and valid material planning considerations to be taken into account.
The Parish Council have a public meeting next Tuesday (30th May 2023) and hope to be able to provide an update detailing your involvement and positive support.
All documents relating to this application can be found here PA23/02464 | Prior notification of proposed development by telecommunications code systems operators for telecommunication equipment and cabinets | Telecommunications Cabinet School Road Landrake Cornwall PL12 5DZ
Please refer to the comments on planning application PA23/00259
PA23/00259 | Prior notification of proposed development by telecommunications code system operators for telecommunication equipment and cabinets. | Telecommunications Cabinet School Road Landrake Cornwall PL12 5DZ
Which was withdrawn and subsequently replaced by PA23/02464 (which is a minor difference in size).
PA23/02464 | Prior notification of proposed development by telecommunications code systems operators for telecommunication equipment and cabinets | Telecommunications Cabinet School Road Landrake Cornwall PL12 5DZ
Kind Regards
Karenza Heald
Karenza Heald
Parish Clerk / RFO for Landrake with St Erney Parish Council
Tel 07854 948936
Please find attached:
1. Landrake with St Erney Parish Council’s objection
2. Petition from Landrake with St Erney Parishioners
3. Communication between Landrake with St Erney Parish Council and Cornwall Council’s Planning Officer
4. Cornwall Council’s Delegated Officer Report
5. Cornwall Council’s letter to Clarke Telecom (the agents for this application) detailing conditions of the approval.
6. Location map
Download document (pdf)
29th May 2023
Local Government Bulletin - Disability Cost of Living payment
Payment window for £150 Disability Cost of Living Payment announced
The Department for Work and Pensions has today (19 May) announced that disabled people in the UK will receive their one-off £150 disability cost-of- living payment from 20 June.
Those being paid a disability benefit will receive it automatically during a two-week window starting on 20 June and finishing on 4 July. A small proportion of payments will be made after this date, where claimants were still awaiting confirmation of their eligibility or entitlement to disability benefits on 1 April. There will also be further payments of £300 for pensioners due later this year.
Councils are encouraged to share this message as appropriate.
Information on Disability cost of Living payment
19th May 2023
Local Government Bulletin - Funding for Farmers
The government announced yesterday (18 May) that farmers and landowners will be able to bid for a share of £15 million Landscape Recovery Scheme, to help them to collaborate and work in partnership to protect and enhance landscapes in England.
Landscape Recovery supports landowners and managers to take a large-scale, long-term approach to producing environmental and climate goods on their land.
The second round of the scheme will support up to 25 projects which will be administered by Natural England and the Environment Agency – the lead delivery partners for the scheme. The projects will be selected based on their environmental and social impact, value for money and suitability for the scheme.
Councils are encouraged to share this information with farmers and landowners in their area.
Funding for famers to protect the English landscape
18th May 2023
Annual Public meeting
Welcome / Teas, coffees and refreshments
1. Report / update from Neighbourhood police
2. From approx. 7:30pm Approve of the minutes of the last
Annual Parish meeting held on 19th April 2019
(no public meetings held in recent years due to Covid)
3. Presentation from ‘Monday Club’ Youth Group
4. Presentation from members of Sir Robert Geffery Hall
Committee on the plans and progress for possible development
for the Solomon Browne Room.
5. A report form Parish Councillors on what the parish have
undertaken for the village since Covid.
6. Questions and answers.
Download document (pdf)
17th May 2023
Clarke Telecom Radio Mast proposal - communication with Planning Officer
I am just emailing regarding PA23/02464 and also in response to an email received by .......... regarding this application.
Application number:
Prior notification of proposed development by telecommunications code systems operators for telecommunication equipment and cabinets.
Telecommunications Cabinet
School Road
PL12 5DZ
CK Hutchinson Networks (UK) Ltd
Thank you for the Parish Council response to the above proposal which I have set out below:
“Landrake with St Erney Parish Council OBJECTS to this application for the following reasons :
ROAD SAFETY the site is adjacent to the A38 and will be a distraction for drivers and also at risk of a strike from an errant vehicle. This stretch of the A38 is a notoriously dangerous one, and the location in question is also potentially needed for road safety improvements by National Highways as part of the A38 Carkeel to Trerulefoot Safety Package.
SAFETY the site is far too close to the nearest houses in Geffery Close, and also to the A38 itself and the road into Landrake from the A38. If the mast were to fall, it would cause significant damage and potentially fatalities.
VISUAL IMPACT the mast will be an eyesore at the entrance to the village (where significant community efforts have been made to improve the entrance), and just outside ( within 15 metres ) of the Landrake Conservation Area. The mast is totally out of character with the entrance to a traditional Cornish village, and it is incapable of being camouflaged.
Given the significant objections from parishioners to PA23/00259 for an almost identical radio mast construction on the same site, (73 written objections to Cornwall Council and a petition signed by 226 people) the Parish Council sought a meeting in March 2023 with Clarke Telecom to attempt to discuss and propose alternative sites for the mast where it could meet the technical requirements in a suitable location. It was not possible to arrange this meeting (Clarke and their client were unavailable). It is disappointing that the Applicant has not sought to engage with the Parish Council to seek an alternative site before submitting another planning application for the same site. By engage, we mean a constructive dialogue to find an alternative site, not a letter which reiterates the Applicants wish to place the mast at the same location as PA23/00259.
The Parish Council has proposed various alternative sites on Pound Hill (please refer to attached plan). These sites are close to the village centre and on higher ground so in the opinion of the Parish Council are suitable alternatives to the one proposed by the Applicant. This would of course be subject to some agreement with landowners, but there is precedent within the Parish for the telecoms companies agreeing terms with landowners for suitable sites (eg Frenchmans Lane).
Clarke Telecom have proposed two alternative sites at Quarry Lane just within the Tamar Valley AONB (to place this in context, the sites are approx. 20-30 metres within the AONB in an otherwise unremarkable location on an agricultural field). No technical reason has been given by the Applicant why these sites cannot be used having proposed them, the Applicant rules them out on the basis that they are in the AONB. If the other sites suggested by the Parish Council cannot be taken forward, we would request that Clarke and their client explore the sites they have proposed within the AONB as a location for the mast.
The applicant withdrew PA23/00259, which had been objected to by 73 local residents , Highways and the Parish Council. The only substantive difference between this application and the previous one is a reduction in height of the mast by 2 metres (10%). It is the opinion of the Parish Council that the same objections would remain valid for this application and should be considered by Cornwall Council (because all of the objections relate to the location of the mast). By withdrawing and resubmitting the application, it means that those 73 people will have to log on again to Cornwall Council to object again to substantially the same proposal. The Parish council requests Cornwall Council to take these objections to PA23/00259 into account in considering this application on the basis that the planning considerations for the location and the issues related to the location are exactly the same as before. A file is attached showing the comments.
The Parish Council OBJECTS to the location of the radio mast in PA23/02464 for the reasons above. The Parish Council would welcome the installation of a 5G mast in an appropriate location and has made various suggestions to the Applicant, who has not as yet agreed to meet with us to discuss the location. The Parish Council would support the installation of the mast at either of the sites in Quarry Lane, (which have been proposed by the applicant) in the event that the other sites we have suggested are unsuitable from a technical perspective or the Applicant is unable to secure the sites. In these circumstances we would request the Tamar Valley AONB to look favourably on such a location, were an application to be submitted in the future.”
Since receiving your consultation response I have been assessing the application and unfortunately with these types of prior approval applications we can only assess the development against the relevant criteria of the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO), which in this instance is Class A, Part 16 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended). As such, certain material planning considerations which may usually apply and be assessed in planning applications do not apply to these prior approval applications. When following this set criteria of the GPDO, it is found that the development meets the limitations of this permitted development. With regard to this assessment, it does note that the siting and appearance of the development must be such that the visual impacts of it are minimised so far as practicable. Therefore this element of the proposal must be assessed.
In reference to this, the site of the proposal is outside of any landscape designations. However, landscape conservation is still important as outlined within policy 23 of the Cornwall Local Plan. It should also be noted that the proposed site of the development lies just to the north of the Landrake Conservation Area, approximately 290m to the west of the Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and there are a number of listed buildings within the wider setting. Due to the height of the proposed monopole this development may be seen within the setting of these designated areas/buildings.
The proposed cabinets are minor in scale and would not rise over 1.8m from ground level and as such it is considered that this element of the development would have a very minimal visual impact. With regard to the proposed 18m high monopole, it is clear that this would be far more visible in the immediate and surrounding environment and therefore would result in a degree of visual impact to the area. However, there is generally a mixed character of development within this area, with the site being located adjacent to the A38. Due to this the development would sit alongside and be within the setting of existing highway infrastructure and street furniture, and in particular is located very close to the existing bridge across this highway. Further on from this, the proposed development as a whole occupies a small footprint and profile, offering a slimline appearance in this built-up area.
It is stated that the development will ensure that the latest high quality 3G and 4G service provision is provided in this area and will also offer new 5G coverage at this location. Therefore it would enhance communication facilities to meet current and future demand as well as generating other socio-economic benefits. These benefits of the proposal are acknowledged and attract significant weight.
Given the slimline design of the monopole and the location of the development outside of any landscape designations and next to the existing highway infrastructure/street furniture, it is felt that the siting and appearance of the proposed development would not result in significant visual harm to this area, nor the setting, or significance of the Landrake Conservation Area, Tamar Valley AONB and the surrounding listed buildings. Within the ‘Supplementary Information’ document submitted it has been set out why this design for the development was chosen, as well as addressing a number of alternative sites and why these are not feasible/have not been chosen. It is apparent from this document that the proposed site is the most viable location for this development which would have the least visual impacts. Additionally, the slimmest monopole design has been chosen which will still enable all the multi technologies to be supported from this site. Hence it is considered that the visual impact of the development on these sites and the surrounding area has been minimised so far as practicable.
It is still acknowledged that this development will result in a level of visual harm to the area, however in weighing the harm against the benefits and the need for the installation to be sited as proposed, it is concluded that these would outweigh the limited harm that would be caused to the heritage assets and the character and appearance of the area.
Given this, and the assessment being limited to the criteria of Class A of Part 16 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended), it is considered that the development meets this criteria and therefore prior approval is allowed.
I have further addressed each of your points of objection below:
• Road safety objections due to the site being adjacent to the A38.
Response: National Highways were consulted and considered that a condition and informative could be imposed in order to ensure the development does not adversely impact on the safe and efficient operation of the A38 trunk road. These have been added accordingly and therefore these issues have been addressed.
• Safety concerns through damage and fatalities that could be caused if monopole was to fall.
Response: The development would need to be built to a certain standard and this is not assessed through planning applications nor the prior approval criteria as set out within Class A, Part 16 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended). Therefore the impacts of the development if it were to fall cannot be considered and therefore have not been assessed with this application.
• The visual impacts of the development on the entrance of the village and the Landrake Conservation Area.
Response: The visual impacts of the development have been assessed in the main body of the report and it is considered that the siting and appearance of the development is acceptable in this location. Additionally it is felt that the degree of visual harm presented is outweighed by the public benefits of the development.
• Lack of consultation following objections and petition on the previous application.
Response: Whilst it is always encouraged that developers/applicants engage with local parishes and communities before and during the submission of planning applications this is not a requirement. The criteria set out within Class A, Part 16 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) has been followed by the developer and all necessary consultation letters have been sent out accordingly.
• Proposing alternative sites for the development on Pound Hill and Quarry Lane.
Response: The developer has provided a document addressing why numerous other sites have not been chosen. With regard to Pound Hill it has been stated that “A mast at this location is not viable due to a physical lack of space in order to deliver the required level of coverage to the target area. This site has therefore been discounted for this reason. In addition, a site in this location would not be able to be built due to the proximity of BT lines which would make the installation of a radio base station in this location problematic. A site in this location has therefore been discounted for this reason.” Therefore this location cannot be used for the development. In respect of the sites at Quarry Lane, that lie within the Tamar Valley AONB, it is not felt that this would be appropriate to place equipment within this designated landscape, as it would not conserve or enhance the character and natural beauty of this area. Therefore it is considered that the current proposed location would be more visually acceptable.
• Objections on the previous application should remain valid and be considered on this current application.
Response: A new application was submitted as an improved design of the development was proposed. Members of the public were welcome to object to this new current proposal, however previous application objections cannot be included as a part of new applications and as such only objections received on this current application can be considered.
Unfortunately, these prior approval applications are time restricted and section 8(c) of Class A, Part 16 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) confirms that if the Local Authority have not notified the developer in writing as to whether such prior approval is required than the development can begin after the occurrence of a period of 56 days beginning on which the Local Planning Authority received this application. Therefore due to application being time critical we are unable to take it to planning committee. Moreover, given the existing surrounding environment/development near this proposed site, along with the limited assessment criteria of the relevant class of the GPDO, it is not considered that there is reasonable planning considerations to refuse this application.
I understand this is not the outcome that the parish or local residents were hoping for, however unfortunately this is the decision that has been reached. I wanted to contact to make yourselves aware of the outcome before issuing the decision. The deadline for this application is the 17th May 2023 and therefore the decision will be issued no later than this date.
10th May 2023
Mobile Mast revised proposal
The previous application was withdrawn to allow us to change the design and to reduce height of the proposed mast, as due to technical requirements the site cannot be moved in order to provide coverage to the target area. This proposal is for the installation of a new site to boost the capacity on the network in this location for the operator. The site needs to cover a certain target coverage area as the operator is experiencing capacity issues in this area. The area surrounding the proposed site has been fully investigated, and it was considered that the application site was the most viable and suitable location for the proposed equipment. The search area for the proposed site is small due to the operator’s requirement to fill the hole in coverage to fix coverage and capacity issues currently being experienced by its users. The Phase 9 is the most sensitive and it will be at the lowest possible height of 18m in order to provide clearance on the nearby houses to avoid clipping. The phase 9 monopole is much slimmer in design and are typically not designed to use a wraparound cabinet at the base which reduces the visual impact of the monopole.
Preconsultation letter proposed radio mast at Grass Verge at School Road
6th March 2023
Event Intention - Sir Robert Jefferys School X Country Run
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, S.16A
The below event road closure request has been received.
Event: Sir Robert Gefferys School Landrake - Cross Country Run
Date: 10th March 2023
Times: 12:00 to 15:00
Please click the following link for Intention Notice and map :
Applicants are reminded that they have undertaken to notify all interested parties known to be directly affected by the closure including, if appropriate, bus companies and all frontagers on the length of the road such as local residents and businesses as well as other traders who may have to make deliveries and/or collections in the area.
The event organiser will display notices at each road / street to be closed at least fourteen days before the closure.
Applicants are reminded that they are responsible for the provision, erection, maintenance and removal of all necessary signing and site notices.
Event Intention Notice
3rd February 2023
Clarke Telecom - email response to queries 30/01/2023
It is a densification project for the operator’s network to fill holes in service provision including coverage and capacity. This will enable the operator’s customers to be able to use their handheld devices without calls being dropped or buffering occurring where there is a gap in the operator’s network coverage and capacity ability. A site in this location will fill the gap in service provision and provide high quality, reliable, advanced 4G and 5G to this area. The search area for the proposed site is small due to the operator’s requirement to fill the hole in coverage to fix coverage and capacity issues. The coverage plot below presents current lack of coverage for the operator’s network.
Mobile phone base stations operate on a low power and accordingly base stations therefore need to be located in the areas they are required to serve. Increasingly, people are also using their mobiles in their homes, and this means the operator needs to position base stations in, or close to, residential areas. The proposed mast due to its design will be able to serve only one operator, which is CK Hutchinson Networks (UK) Ltd (commonly known as Three). The proposed new mast has been sited and designed in order to provide 5G coverage and to fill the hole in coverage for this mobile network. At present it is paramount that digital connectivity is supported and maintained throughout the country. The current proposal therefore provides such additional capacity to the network whilst still promoting the improved 5G technology.
The Code of Practice set out the importance of the connectivity in paragraphs 8 – 12:
‘8.Digital connectivity is vital to enable people to stay connected and businesses to grow. Fast, reliable digital connectivity can deliver economic, social and well-being benefits for the whole of the UK.
9.As the demand for mobile data in the United Kingdom is increasing rapidly, it is important that everyone has access to dependable and consistent mobile coverage where they live, work and travel.
10.The Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review (FTIR) and the National Infrastructure Strategy set out the government’s long-term strategy for meeting its digital connectivity targets and delivering high quality, reliable digital infrastructure that works across the UK[1].
11.The government has committed to extending mobile coverage across the UK. The government has committed to extending mobile coverage across the UK. The government’s Levelling Up White Paper has set a mission that the UK will have nationwide 4G coverage, with 5G coverage for the majority of the population by 2030. In support of this, the government and the UK’s mobile network operators agreed a £1 billion Shared Rural Network deal to extend 4G mobile geographical coverage to 95% of the UK by the end of the programme.
12.Next Generation Mobile Technologies: A 5G Strategy for the UK, and the update to this, set out the government’s ambition for the UK to be a global leader in 5G to take early advantage of its potential and help to create a world-leading digital economy that works for everyone. The government also wants businesses and communities to benefit from investments in 5G as soon as possible. Through the government’s 5G Testbeds and Trials programme we have seen its value to manufacturing, farming, transport networks and healthcare.
Also, The Code of Practice notes that new ground-based masts will sometimes be required to accommodate the ever-increasing coverage and capacity needs of the country. 4G and 5G are likely to require further network densification in order to meet growing customer demand for data. Where higher frequencies are used, with lower signal propagation characteristics, apparatus will need to be located in closer proximity to user devices. The type of mast deployed will depend upon the location and setting, as well as the coverage requirements of the site. Therefore, the site at this location will help to meet the government objectives in providing digital connectivity throughout the UK. It is a densification project for the Three operator; therefore the construction cost will be covered by them.
The Frenchmans Lane – Wotton Farm wasn’t taken consideration as it’s located to far to the north in order to provide coverage to the coverage target area; an installation outside this search area, regardless of whether there are existing sites, would not allow the operator to provide their desired level of coverage and therefore would not adequately maintain and provide new coverage and capacity. The current location was chosen by the radio planner, as it’s the most optimal to provide required coverage. There’s not going to be a rental income from the site, as the land on which it’s proposed to be located belongs to the Cornwall Highways.
31st January 2023
Church Street and Tideford Road Traffic Restrictions
Here is a summary document which provides evidence relating to the Parish Council's recommendation for traffic restrictions along Church Street and Tideford Road and the subsequent submission to Cornwall Community Network Panel's Highway Improvement Scheme for funding towards the scheme.Church StreetandTidefordRoadParkingPoster
Church Street and Tideford Road Traffic Restrictions Evidence doc
20th January 2023
PA23 00259
Email received from Clarke Telecom
Dear Karenza,
I am writing to address some of you concerns.
Addressing your concerns in regard to the highway’s safety, I have forwarded that email to our design and acquisition team for them to look at the matter and comment on that. I can also ensure you that as a part of the planning application the developer’s notice was sent to the Highways Department including a set of site plans for them to comment on it.
Regarding the health concerns the proposed installation conforms to current government planning guidelines regarding potential health effects arising from telecommunications development. The operator has attached a declaration that the site conforms to ICNIRP guidance, as a part of the planning submission. This is in full accordance with NPPF. International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection public compliance is determined by mathematical calculation and implemented by careful location of antennas, access restrictions and/or barriers and signage as necessary. Members of the public cannot unknowingly enter areas close to the antennas where exposure may exceed the relevant guidelines.
The suggested alternative location at Quarry Lane would not be more appropriate in my view due to the proximity to the AONB, due to that the development within this sensitive area should be avoided. Siting the telecommunication monopole at this location could meet objections from the case officer, the environment and/or heritage officer due to a possible environmental impact on the Tamar Valley AONB.
Kind regards,
Site plans
18th January 2023
Proposed 'No waiting at any time' - Church Street
To respond, please send any comments or objections, specifying
the grounds on which they are made, via email or in writing to:
Infrastructure Design, CORMAC Consultancy,
Radnor Road, Scorrier, Redruth, TR16 5EH.
Alternatively, please scan the QR Code to respond online
using the Consultation Finder service or visit:
10th January 2023
PA23 00259 Radio Base Station
Clarke Telecom Ltd act on behalf of the mobile telecommunications operator CK Hutchison Networks
(UK) Ltd.
The proposal is to install a radio base station, in order to provide the latest 3G, 4G and new 5G technologies to the Landrake area.
Landrake with St Erney Parish Council's pre-consultation "Whilst the Parish Council supports the need to make sure residents in the parish have access to 4G and 5G networks, the Council’s thoughts are, with the exception of ‘the land to the north of Quarry
Lane’ that the listed sites are not suitable. This is the initial view of the Parish Council and a formal response can be given after the next Full Council meeting on 10th January 2023"8th December 2022
Proposed Radio Base Station - near School Road
Clarke Telecom Ltd act on behalf of the mobile telecommunications operator CK Hutchison Networks
(UK) Ltd. The proposal is to install a radio base station, in order to provide the latest 3G, 4G and new 5G
technologies to the Landrake area.Clarke Telecom Letter to LandrakePC
10th November 2022
Parish Councillor Vacancy
Landrake with St Erney Parish Council has a vacancy
- Do you have time and expertise which could benefit your community?
- Do you want to make a difference to all those around you?
- Are you concerned about your local area?
- Do you want to represent the views of local people?
If the answer to the above is yes and you have the time to commit to monthly meetings. Your involvement in between meetings would depend on whether you are member of the Councillors committees or working groups and actions / projects taken forward from previous meetings. All Councillors are expected to read the agenda and supporting information prior to Full Council meetings.
• If you have never been to a Parish Council meeting, please come along to observe the meet the parish councillors and observe the meeting. The next meeting is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 13th September 2022 at Sir Robert Geffery Memorial Hall.
• Further information is available from National Association of Local Council’s website - ABOUT LOCAL COUNCILS (
• In other parts of the country town and parish councils are having elections. You may find it useful to look at the stories on the NALC website. Elections — #MakeAChange (
• For further information please speak to one of the Parish Councillors - Parish Councillors ( or contact the Parish Clerk, Karenza Heald by email
Make A Change Become a Councillor
4th September 2022
Nature Afternoon and Cream Teas
On Saturday 2 July, from 2-4pm, the Church of St Michael is holding their Nature Afternoon with Cream Teas. This is a family friendly event. Explore the biodiversity in the churchyard, do a family quiz, join the nature hunt and take part in the lucky dip. There will also be a Plant Swap Stall, a DIY Flower Arranging table and Cream Teas for all. FREE ENTRY!20th June 2022
Sir Robert Gefffery Memorial Hall - Sole Trustees Meetigs
Notes from the Landrake with St Erney Parish Council's Sir Robert Geffery Memorial Hall Sole Trustees meeting held on 14th June 2022Sole Trustees meeting 140622
14th June 2022
Certificate of Exemption 2021-22
Landrake with St Erney Certificate of Exemption 2021-2213th June 2022
Notice of Exercise of Public Rights 2021-2023
1. Date of announcement______12th June 2022 ______________________(a)
2. Each year the smaller authority prepares an Annual Governance and
Accountability Return (AGAR). The AGAR has been published with this notice.
It will not be reviewed by the appointed auditor, since the smaller authority has
certified itself as exempt from the appointed auditor’s review.
Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the AGAR,
the accounting records for the financial year to which it relates and all books,
deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to
those records must be made available for inspection by any person interested.
For the year ended 31 March 2022, these documents will be available on
reasonable notice by application to:
(b) Mrs Karenza Heald
24 Hounster Drive, Millbrook, Cornwall, PL10 1BZ
Tel 07854 984936
commencing on (c) __Monday 13 June 2022 _______________________
and ending on (d) ___Friday 22 July 2022 ________________________
3. Local government electors and their representatives also have:
 The opportunity to question the appointed auditor about the accounting
records; and
 The right to make an objection which concerns a matter in respect of which
the appointed auditor could either make a public interest report or apply to
the court for a declaration that an item of account is unlawful. Written notice
of an objection must first be given to the auditor and a copy sent to the
smaller authority.
The appointed auditor can be contacted at the address in paragraph 4 below for
this purpose between the above dates only.
4. The smaller authority’s AGAR is only subject to review by the appointed
auditor if questions or objections raised under the Local Audit and
Accountability Act 2014 lead to the involvement of the auditor. The appointed
auditor is:
PKF Littlejohn LLP (Ref: SBA Team)
15 Westferry Circus
Canary Wharf
London E14 4HD
5. This announcement is made by (e) Karenza Heald, Parish ClerkDownload document (pdf)
12th June 2022
Vacancy for Caretaker
The Council's appointed maintenance contractor has recently notified the Council of his retirement.
A vacancy has therefore arisen to appoint a replacement contractor who's role will be to keep the village clean and tidy and to assist the Council with general maintenance work.
Interested parties are invited to submit their tender applications.
How to apply
• Submit your CV or summary document detailing your previous experience.
• Details of your relevant qualifications for the role
• Availability of work in the parish (please advise of any commitments which may limit your hours)
• Expectation of contracted pay
• Two references, which must not be a relative or member of the Parish Council
The above information should be sent to Karenza Heald,
Closing date: 8pm on Sunday 8th May 2022.
Prior to be offered the role the Council will require:
• Receipt of at least one satisfactory reference
• Evidence of a valid UK driving licence
• Confirmation you are eligible for employment in the UK
• Details of any criminal records.
• A copy of your Public Liability insurance.
The Council would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Lamerton for many years dedicated service.
The closing date is Sunday 8th May 2022.
Caretaker infromaton
1st May 2022
Cornwall Council - Please stay weather aware this weekend
Storm Eunice has made it's presence felt across Cornwall today. We're working hard with our partners to remove fallen trees, clear up debris and clearing our highways.
While the worst of the storm has passed, we are still expecting strong winds to continue over the weekend and there is cold weather due this evening.
To keep up to date with the very latest information please follow our Twitter page
If you experience any weather related issues over the weekend here's how to report it:
To report flooding, contact the Environment Agency Incident hotline on 0800 80 70 60 (24 hour). Be flood aware and prepare if you can, and know what to do if your home starts to flood or call the Environment Agency on 0345 988 1188 (24 hour).
If you wish to report damage to roads or pavements that is causing an immediate danger, or roads blocked by fallen trees, please call the council on 0300 1234 222 (24 hour) or use our report it form online.
Call 105 or visit to report if you have a power cut.
If you find yourself in a situation where you believe you are in danger, please call 999.
You can report a fallen tree by calling 0300 1234 222 (24hrs).
Make sure you're scam aware too!
There may be some people taking advantage of the situation. Rogue traders may be out offering their services to help clear up. If you suspect something, inform our trading standards team.
If you have to travel tonight and over the weekend, we are out clearing things as fast as we can, please remember there may still be debris, so take extra care.
18th February 2022
Cornwall Council - Look out for vulnerable friends and family
We're asking our residents to look out for their vulnerable neighbours, relatives and friends this evening at Storm Eunice leaves at least 27,000 properties in Cornwall without power.
Storm Eunice has left in its wake a lot of damage and disruption – including power outages for many households across Cornwall.
While the power companies are doing everything they can to get households back on grid, and the council and our partners are working hard to clean up the debris and damage left by the storm, there will be residents who, this evening don’t have power at home.
18th February 2022
Cornwall Council - Fire safety in a powercut
If you’re facing power cuts because of Storm Eunice, please think about fire safety and follow our simple advice
Switch off any appliances that may be a risk if they turn back on when the power comes back, and you aren’t nearby (such as straighteners or hair dryers).
Use a torch or battery-powered candle for light sources. Try to avoid using real candles if possible, but if you do, follow our advice: Candle safety - Cornwall Council
If you’re using portable heaters to stay warm, please use them safely. Don’t place them too close to people, furniture, or curtains and don’t cover them with anything, like clothing.
Don’t bring barbecues into your house to use for cooking. They’re a serious fire and carbon monoxide risk.
While the TV is off - test your smoke alarm.18th February 2022
Cornwall Council - Worried about money?
The costs of many of our everyday essentials are rising, and putting more pressure on our finances.
If you, or someone you know, needs some support there's a number of things the Council might be able to help with:
- Crisis Care awards
- Support to pay Council Tax
- Help and advice with energy bills
- Help with access to emergency food
- Free school meals
- Sign posting to support with debt
- Healthy Start schemeFind out what help
18th February 2022
Vacancy for Landrake with St Erney Parish Council
pursuant to Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972 that due to the resignation of Rachel
Price, a vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the above Parish Council.
If by 10 March, 2022 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good
Friday and Bank Holidays, after the date of this notice) a request for an election to fill said
vacancy is made in writing (by hand or post) to the Returning Officer at the address below by TEN
electors for the said Parish, an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy
will be filled by co-option.
If an election is called, it will take place not later than 17 May, 2022.
Dated 18 February, 2022
Kate Kennally
Returning Officer
Electoral Services
3rd Floor, South Wing
County Hall
Treyew Road
TR1 3AY18th February 2022
Emergency Weather Warning - Red Alert 18th February 2022
A major incident has been declared after a red weather warning was issued for parts of Cornwall for Friday, February 18.
Cornwall Council and its partners are working together to prepare and are ready to respond to reports of damage.
Storm Eunice is set to bring damaging winds across the whole of the peninsula, with the worst affected areas, including the whole of the North Cornwall coast, set to see the peak of the storm between 7am and noon on Friday.
This is an extremely powerful storm. We are urging you not to travel unless absolutely necessary, and to stay away from exposed coastal areas. If you do have to make an essential journey - be prepared and expect disruption with possible road closures. Keep a look out for fallen trees and debris.
The Met Office red warning, the highest level that can be issued, means there is a risk to life from flying debris. Other impacts could include:
- extremely high winds, with gusts of up to 80/90mph even 100mph around the coast and beaches especially around high tide (7am Friday morning)
- widespread and major disruption to travel, with all forms of travel impacted (road, rail, air, sea, ferry)
- structural damage
- mobile homes being overturned
- communications and power outages
- uprooted trees
- very hazardous conditions for the public
- temporary structures (e.g., trampolines) being lifted and blown onto roads and railways
large waves and beach material being thrown onto coastal roads, sea fronts and homes, including flooding of some coastal properties.
A major incident has been declared after a red weather warning was issued for parts of Cornwall for Friday, February 18.
Cornwall Council and its partners are working together to prepare and are ready to respond to reports of damage.
Storm Eunice is set to bring damaging winds across the whole of the peninsula, with the worst affected areas, including the whole of the North Cornwall coast, set to see the peak of the storm between 7am and noon on Friday.
This is an extremely powerful storm. We are urging you not to travel unless absolutely necessary, and to stay away from exposed coastal areas. If you do have to make an essential journey - be prepared and expect disruption with possible road closures. Keep a look out for fallen trees and debris.
The Met Office red warning, the highest level that can be issued, means there is a risk to life from flying debris. Other impacts could include:
extremely high winds, with gusts of up to 80/90mph even 100mph around the coast and beaches especially around high tide (7am Friday morning)
widespread and major disruption to travel, with all forms of travel impacted (road, rail, air, sea, ferry)
structural damage
mobile homes being overturned
communications and power outages
uprooted trees
very hazardous conditions for the public
temporary structures (e.g., trampolines) being lifted and blown onto roads and railways
large waves and beach material being thrown onto coastal roads, sea fronts and homes, including flooding of some coastal properties.
17th February 2022
Landrake Newsletter Winter 2021
To view Landrake with St Erney Parish Council's Winter 2022 newsletter click on the link belowThe Good Green News of Landrake and St Erney
12th February 2022
Full Fibre Broadband for residents of Landrake
Openreach aiming to deliver FTTP fibre (fibre broadband) to a list of properties in Landrake (list attached) with the aid of the rural gigabit voucher scheme . In return for agreeing to a 12 month fibre contract once completed, everyone can receive at least £1500 towards the cost of a fibre build. There is a choice of providers that can be used once the build is finished, listed here:
List of properties affected for Full Fibre Broadband
18th November 2021
Environment and Sustainability Group Community Survey
Community Survey for Landrake with St Erney
On behalf of the Parish Council (“PC”) and the Environmental Sustainability Group (“ESG”)
HAVE YOUR SAY - By answering this short questionnaire your views and ideas will inform and help the Parish Council and Environmental Sustainability Group to set priorities for our parish that are important to you and your family over the next few years.
Download document (pdf)
11th September 2021
Environmental Sustainability Working Group 9th September 2021
1. Apologises for absence.
2. Approval of notes of meeting 15th July 2021
3. Matters arising that are not agenda items
4. Seed Swap Box PM
5. Tree planting Poldrissick, Applying for a Land Mark Tree via Cornwall Council PM
6. Funding update – crowd funding, lottery PM, GF, HE, PM
7. Daffodil planting plans - Sept.
8. Parish Questionnaire/Survey and distribution SW & GF
9. Offroad walking paths update – Sara, Rachel and Kathy
10. Newsletter update. Plans for next newsletter - Hazel
11. Date of next meeting - 21st October?
Join by Zoom
6th September 2021
Highway mainteance and road closure information
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 S.14: Temporary Prohibition of Traffic
Location: School Road to Notter Bridge House
Timing: 26th August 2021 to 27th August 2021 (07:30 to 17:00 hours)
Reason for Emergency Closure: Urgent closure to repair failed material
Contact: Cornwall Council - Tel: 0300 1234 222 or document (pdf)
26th August 2021
Road Closure - School Road To Notter Bridge House Landrake
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 S.14: Temporary Prohibition of Traffic
Location: School Road to Notterbridge House
Timing: 9th September 2021 to 15th September 2021 (19:00 to 06:00 hours)
Contact: Cornwall Council - Tel: 0300 1234 222 or document (pdf)
26th August 2021
#Plymouth Together
Following the recent tragic events in Keyham, Landrake with St Erney Parish Council would like to offer condolences to the families, friends and to all those affected.
Plymouth City Council will hold a one-minute silence at 11am Monday 16th August. We would also like to echo Plymouth City Council’s statement giving special thanks to our emergency services for their quick response to this incident
There are many members in our community who have been or know of people affected by the tragic events that took place on Thursday 12th August. A Police Victim Support helpline is available for anyone impacted by the incident: 0808 1689 111.
Anyone with specific information regarding this incident can contact 01752 487880.
An online book of condolence is available on Plymouth City Council’s website
#PlymouthTogetherPlymouth City Council Book of Condolence
13th August 2021
Enviromental and Sustainability Working Group meeting 15th July 2021
Environmental Sustainability Working Group
Time: Jul 15, 2021 07:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 5073 5719
Passcode: 278515
One tap mobile
+443300885830,,81350735719#,,,,*278515# The United Kingdom
Dial by your location +44 330 088 5830
1. Apologises for absence.
2. Approval of notes of meeting 24th June 2021
3. Matters arising that are not agenda items
4. Tree planting Poldrissick, Applying for a Land Mark Tree via Cornwall Council PM
5. Seats around the parish.
6. Funding update – crowd funding, lottery PM, GF, HE, PM
7. Planting at Landrake Village entrance – KS and Ali
8. Statement of Intent PM
9. Parish Questionnaire/Survey SW & GF
10. Offroad walking paths – Sara, Rachel and Kathy
11. Newsletter update - Hazel
12. Date of next meeting -
Download document (pdf)
14th July 2021
Landrake with St Erney Historic information
This document provides some historic information regarding Historic Information relating to Landrake with St Erney actions and decisions, which was compiled by the former Clerk, Mr Ian Biffen.13th July 2021
Chacewater Community Energy Green Energy Fair and Electric Vehicle 24th July 2021
Email received from Chacewater Community Energy Group
Good afternoon,
We are pleased to note the recent relaxation of the covid restrictions, so we would like to invite you and all members of your respective parish councils to attend our up-coming Chacewater Community Energy Green Energy Fair and Electric Vehicle Day 24th July 2021. We attach an electronic copy of the posters / flyers. Could you post on any notice board you may have?
We hope the show will be of interest to you, please get back to us with any questions. Visitors can claim a FREE COPY(!) of the excellent book by the Stithians Energy Group “Climate Change Explained”, worth a guinea a box! Please forward this invitation to all friends, relations, neighbours, work colleagues. We cannot promise good weather, but we can promise a fascinating day, and free organic coffee (donations welcome!).
The Renewable Energy part of the show is to be held on the Millennium Green adjacent to the hall or possible some parts in the main Chacewater Village Hall. Show times 11:00am to 5:00pm. The Electric Vehicle part of the show is to be held on the recreation ground. Most of the local EV dealers are exhibiting. Lots of new models.
On the patio of the complex we are planning a series of excellent talks from internationally recognised speakers.Download document (pdf)
11th July 2021
Workplace Travel Grant Opportunity - 2021/22
This information has been sent to us from Cornwall Council's Communities for Support Assistant, Localism - Communities & Public Protection
Following feedback from local businesses the following changes have been made to the 2021/22 grants which we wanted to bring to your attention:-
Businesses can make an unlimited number of applications to the scheme. However, the maximum grant award remains a total of £25,000
A provisional award, subject to planning permission being secured, can be made with the funds being ‘reserved’ for a company for a period of up to three months to allow planning permission to be sought.
Full details of the opportunity are available at .
2021/22 grant applications can be made until Tuesday 30 November 2021. All schemes funded must be delivered by mid-March 2022.
I would be very grateful if you could promote this opportunity to businesses within Saltash and the surrounding area. Thank you.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the Workplace Travel Grants.
Yours sincerely
Rosemary Starr CMILT
Sustainable Transport Manager
Strategic Planning and Infrastructure
Plymouth City Council4th July 2021
Landrake School Road Village Play Park
Landrake Parish Council are very pleased to confirm that we have had a team from SMP play equipment down to our village playpark in School road this week, to undertake major replacement of parts and repair work on our ageing play park equipment and safety matting, following our yearly safety audit on the park and equipment from an external ROSPER safety company, who highlighted potential safety issues with some wearing parts of the play equipment. We have had the following equipment replaced
- Cargo climbing net, completely replaced, along with the anchorage points, then tension structure and the concrete foundations. The Multiplay climbing ladder and its fixings and climbing blocks were replaced. The handles and foot holders on the two ride on the springer equipment were replaced as the old ones did not conform to current safety standards Several areas of the safety matting underneath the play equipment which has been damaged were also repaired.
All the work has been completed and the playpark is now open again and all equipment is safe and complies with safety standards. We have had the work undertaken by SMP play equipment company, as we felt its better that the replacement parts and work are completed with safety in mind and with a warranty also in place on the repairs. The parts and refreshment work cost a total of £3,500.00.
We as a Parish Council have been able to undertake this refurbishment with the help from many donations very kindly contributed by local people, various fund raising activities like plant sales, garden visits in the community, the Carnival committee, and Landrake Menhinick Christmas lights show and many others, we are grateful for your help. This has depleted our Playground fund as we were saving to replace some of the equipment and were looking at adding some new equipment in the future, but that will take a bit longer now, in the meantime we are very grateful for everyones' fundraising efforts, and please feel free to continue fund raising for the playpark for the future goals of the site.
28th June 2021
Closure of the Village Play Park
The Chairman has closed the playpark in School road today.
The contractors are undertaking the major repairs to the multi play equipment, and the new concrete and the new play surface needs to set off for 12 hours before it can be used again.
The play park should be open again by mid day tomorrow
22nd June 2021
Landrake with St Erney Parish Council Informal information meeting
Tuesday 1st June 2021
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 8073 9062
Passcode: 237818
One tap mobile +442039017895,,87180739062#,,,,*237818# United Kingdom
+442080806591,,87180739062#,,,,*237818# United Kingdom
Dial by your location +44 203 901 7895 United Kingdom (note: if dialling in and you do not
wish your telephone number to be on display
please dial 141 before the telephone number, i.e 141 203 901 78950
There will still be an open forum session in our physical Full Council meetings however,
this an opportunity for members of the public who do not feel comfortable meeting in an
indoor venue talk to the Council on issues they wish to raise and to hear an update from
the Parish Council.
This is an informative meeting for discussion only. Recommendations can be put
forward but voting and Council decisions will be taken at the next Full Council meeting,
scheduled for Tuesday 8th June 2021.
Reports and updates on the following:
1. Recreation Field
2. Sir Robert Geffrey Memorial Hall
3. Village playground and village maintenance
4. Environmental Sustainability Working Group
5. Community Network Panel
6. Saltash Area Road Safety (SARS)
7. A38 Trerulefoot to Carkeel Safety Project
8. 20’s plenty campaign
9. Usage of designated Council email addresses
10. Update on village Survey and suggested categories
11. Correspondence
(i) Visibility coming out of Pound Hill
(iii) Road closure Tredinnick Lane
12. Comments from Councillors and suggested agenda items
Karenza Heald
Clerk to the Landrake with St Erney Parish CounciAgenda / Topic for discussion for Informal Information meeting
1st June 2021
20s plenty campaign
I have been asked to share this information to Councillors and interested members of the public from the 20's Plenty campaign group.
The following email has been received
"We aim to reduce excessive speed in areas where the roads are too narrow and traffic moves too quickly, and especially those areas where there are no footpaths or pavements."
Presentations have been emailed to the Council which show the impact of reducing speed in built up area.
"A recent 20's Plenty campaign meeting attended and supported by many County Councillors shows there is tremendous support for the initiative. The campaign is requesting that funding be applied for from central Government and from Director of Public Health.
Devon and Cornwall Police and the Police & Crime Commissioner, Alison Hernandez have already agreed their full support for this measure.
This is a cross party issue that can unify Cornwall at a time when nationwide, bridges need to be built in what had become a divided country- we can show the rest of the UK that Cornwall can lead the way in cross party agreement and achieving something with our new Council.
The Covid 19 pandemic has been devastating, but there have been a few silver linings including the enforced slowing down of all our lives. A chance for people to hear and appreciate the birds singing and the reduced traffic on our roads. As a county, our Tourist Board would leap at the chance to show that Cornwall is fully embracing this slower pace of life. By adopting 20 mph as a default in built-up areas and villages we will be encouraging people to slow down, listen to the birdsong and enjoy our unique communities."
All Councillors and supporters at County and Parish Level plus all residents are welcome to the Zoom on 29 June at 7.30pm
Please report back to us any successes by email before then too.
Details of the Zoom meeting are shown below.
Next 20’s Plenty for Cornwall meeting is on Tues 29th June at 7.30pm
Topic: 20's Plenty for Cornwall Supporters Zoom - all welcome
Time: Jun 29, 2021 07:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 823 0988 5112
Passcode: 20mph
30mph_is_a_problem_for_Cornwall-20s Plenty pdf
For further information click on the 20s Plenty link below
23rd May 2021
Historic Information: Highways Agency Trunk Road Proposals November 1994
Public Information
Highways Agency
Trunk Road Proposals
A38 Saltash to Trefulefoot Improvement
Preferred Route Announcement
November 1994
Download document (pdf)
22nd May 2021
Police and Crime Commissioners Elections
Notice of elections 6th May 2021Office of the Police and Crime Commissioners - Devon and Cornwall
22nd March 2021
Elections Cornwall Councillors
Notice of Cornwall Councillor ElectionsDownload document (pdf)
21st March 2021
Town / Parish Council elections
Notice of Parish Council elections Download document (pdf)
21st March 2021
Parish Councillor vacancy
At the last Council meeting held on 9th February 2021, the Councillor officially accepted the resignation of Mr Dan Foote.
The Council would like to thank Mr Foote for his service
1. NOTTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972 that Daniel Foote has ceased to be a member of Landrake with St Erney Parish Council and that a casual vacancy exists on the Council
2. If, within 14 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday and Bank Holidays) after the date of this Notice, a request for an election to fill the said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer of Cornwall Council at 3S, County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro TR1 3AY (phone 01209 614373) by TEN (or more) electors for the said Parish an election will be held to fill the vacancy.
3. If the Returning Officer receives fewer than ten written requests for an election by 1st December 2020 the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-option.
4. As a result of the Local Government and Police and Crime Commissioner (Coronavirus) (Postponement of Elections and Referendums) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 and the Coronavirus Act 2020 should an election be requested, a poll cannot currently take place until 6 May 2021 (the date of the next ordinary elections) the vacancy will therefore be kept open and the Parish Council will be unable to fill the vacancy.
As we are close to the elections anyone interested in the vacancy is asked to contact Landrake Parish Clerk by email. If you are applying for co-option you will be asked to fill in an 
Criteria for being a Parish Councillor:
A candidate for a Parish or Town Council is qualified if:
- he or she is a British citizen, Commonwealth citizen, citizen of the Irish Republic or a citizen of another European Union State.
- has attained 18 years of age, and
- is either:
- in the register of electors for that Parish/Town or has during the whole of the preceding twelve months
- occupied land as owner or tenant
- had a principal place of work there
- resided in or within 4.8 kilometres of it.
Disqualifications for becoming a Parish Councillor:
- Are you the subject of a bankruptcy restrictions order or interim order?
- Have you within the last five years been convicted of an offence in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man which resulted in a sentence of imprisonment (whether suspended or not) for a period of three months or more without the option of a fine?
- Are you disqualified by order of a court from being a member of a local authority?
This year there will be Local Council Parish and Town Council elections taking place.
A list of nominees will be provided by Cornwall Council. This list will be published on the Parish Council website.
For further information please see Cornwall Council's website
DATED this 21st day of February 2021
Casual Vacancy notice February 2021
21st February 2021
Cybercrime Presentation
Landrake with St Erney Parish Council is hosting a cyber awareness session on Tuesday 23rd February 2021 19:00hrs – 20:00hrs. This awareness session will be delivered by Grahame Mace and Laura Cowie, Cyber Protect Officers at Devon and Cornwall Police.
Grahame Mace brings a vast range of knowledge with him from his previous post as Detective Inspector in the City of London Police. Grahame has many years of experience investigating and dealing with fraud and cyber-crime, at both Local and National level.
Laura Cowie has been in the Cyber Protect role since January 2017 after moving from her previous post within the South West Counter Terrorism Unit. She is a strong advocate of raising awareness of the growing threat of cyber-crime and uses her knowledge and skills to provide up to date advice and guidance.
The session will be covering the following topics:
What is Cyber Crime?
Phishing attacks, how to spot them?
Internet of things/home networks and virtual working.
Social Media, keeping your profile private.
Data breaches, what happens to your data, should I be worried?
Password Security and what makes a good password.
How to report and who to?
The items may change slightly if there is an increase in an area of cyber criminality that is affecting our community. We also aim to have some time at the end of the session for your questions.
For information on joining Zoom meetings please click on this link: ://
Cybercrime presentation
Time: Feb 23, 2021 07:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 825 5247 2089
Passcode: 262687
One tap mobile
+442030512874,,82552472089#,,,,*262687# United Kingdom
+442034815237,,82552472089#,,,,*262687# United Kingdom
Dial by your location
+44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom
If you are dialling in do you do not wish your number in the Zoom meeting please dial 141 first - (i.e. 141 203 051 2874)
20th February 2021
PA23 00259
Email to Clarke Telecom
Dear Michal
CRN25410 - Pre-consultation for proposed radio base station
Further to your email, we are concerned that your non-receipt of our earlier email of 11th December 2022 may result in the views of the Parish Council not being taken into account before the plans for the radio mast location are put out for wider consultation.
We believe that the purpose of your original letter was to seek the views of the Parish Council BEFORE any further consultation took place. The Parish council is consulted as standard practice by Cornwall Council – we are not just “anyone to comment on it via the (Cornwall) council’s planning website”.
This is a not a formal response to the planning application . However, without prejudice to further comments we wish to make and our formal response, please note that your application form date 6/1/23 for PA23/00259 is incorrect and misleading as it indicates that the Parish Council has not engaged with you and made no comment. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Taking account of the significance of the issue, our Parish Council discussed this at a Zoom meeting before Christmas, after which we sent you the first email (some of which is repeated below for completeness).
Since then, the Parish Council met on the 10th January 2023. Please could you therefore respond to our concerns as soon as possible, so that we can be confident that you are engaging with us, and including us in the process, rather than bypassing us. Particularly could you note the fact that the Parish Council would support the installation of 5G at the alternative location of Quarry Lane, but absolutely would oppose it in the proposed location adjacent to the A38.
The Parish Council understands and agrees with the overall aim of expansion of the key telecommunications infrastructure through rollout of the 5G network.
The Parish Council would support the construction of a mast in an alternative location of Quarry Lane for the following reasons :
• The mast would be located on private land where residents would not have ready access to it, and easier to make secure
• Although the site is on the edge of the AONB, the visual impact is not particularly significant in our view
At the Parish Council meeting on 10th January, the councillors confirmed their initial view that the location next to the A38 is unacceptable and inappropriate for the following reasons (and supported the alternative Quarry Lane location) : -
• The Parish Council is in discussions with National Highways regarding Highway Improvements. This piece of land will undoubtedly be needed to implement part of the proposed A38 Safety package which is subject of an ongoing consultation in an effort to reduce the number of fatal and serious accidents on the A38 between Carkeel and Trerulefoot.
• The location would be in a particularly dangerous position.
• The siting of the mast would potentially cause visual impairment for drivers exiting the village.
• The structure would be a distraction for drivers on the A38. There are already safety concerns on what is an extremely hazardous trunk road. This stretch of road is rated one of the most dangerous roads in the country.
• The proposed installation of a 20m high slim-line monopole, supporting 6 no. antennas, 1 no. wraparound equipment cabinet at the base of the monopole, 2 no. equipment cabinets, 1 no. electric meter cabinet, and ancillary development thereto including GPS 1 no. module would be an unsightly eyesore for the entrance to the village. It will be impossible to camouflage the mast.
• Residential properties are very close to the proposed location. There are health and safety concerns for the neighbouring properties and the A38.
Whilst the Parish Council supports the need to make sure residents have access to 4G and 5G networks, the Council believes that ‘the land to the north of Quarry Lane’ is the only suitable site on your list for locating the mast.
We also have some questions regarding how this site meets the requirements of existing planning laws -
National Planning Policy Framework (
Paragraph 115 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states “The number of radio and electronic communications masts, and the sites for such installations, should be kept to a minimum consistent with the needs of consumers, the efficient operation of the network and providing reasonable capacity for future expansion. Use of existing masts, buildings and other structures for new electronic communications capability (including wireless) should be encouraged. Where new sites are required (such as for new 5G networks, or for connected transport and smart city applications), equipment should be sympathetically designed and camouflaged where appropriate.” Please provide evidence that this is the case, and describe how you plan to camouflage the mast in your preferred location.
Paragraph 117 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states “Applications for electronic communications development (including applications for prior approval under the General Permitted Development Order) should be supported by the necessary evidence to justify the proposed development.” Evidence is required to justify the proposed development (CRN25410) and alternative more appropriate locations should be sought.
Please could you revert to us on the above as soon as possible. The Parish Council would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you via Zoom or teams to discuss our concerns, and to understand your rationale for this particular location.
In order that the community is fully aware of the proposed development and has the opportunity to comment within a tight timescale, we have shared the link to application PA23/00259 on Cornwall Council’s website on or community Facebook page.
We look forward to hearing from you
Karenza Heald15th January 2021
School Road to Notter bridge House Temporary Traffic Regulation Order
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 S.14: Temporary Prohibition of Traffic
Location: 01/02/2021 School Road to Notter bridge House, Landrake
Timing: 1st February 2021 to 5th February 2021 (07:30 to 17:00 hours)
Contact: Cornwall Council - Tel: 0300 1234 222 or
The above closure has been approved.
Please click the following link to view a map and associated documents:
Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice: School Road to Notter Bridge
Tempory prohibition of traffic
18th December 2020
Briefing from the Leader of the Council, Councillor Julian German as at 18th December 2020
Dear Colleagues
After our experience of the past nine months, you do not need me to remind you that things are going to be different for Christmas and New Year this year. Normally we would all be preparing to meet up with family and friends, to greet visitors, or getting ready to travel across the country to spend time with our loved ones.
You will all be aware that the public health guidance is being relaxed for five days over Christmas itself, but I want to take this opportunity to echo the advice of the medical experts, and urge everyone to be as cautious as possible over the days ahead. We have worked so hard in Cornwall to avoid the worst of the pandemic, it would be disastrous to see all of that effort go to waste, especially when there is light at the end of the tunnel with the vaccination programme starting.
I would like to provide you all with some information that may prove valuable for you and your residents over the holiday season:
Changes to the local tiering arrangements
Government has today reviewed the local tiering restrictions and I am pleased to say that Cornwall remains in tier one, which means no change in the public health guidance for our residents. You can find the reviewed arrangements of restrictions for Cornwall and other local authorities here:
Cornwall Council COVID 19 Compliance & Enforcement Team: arrangements, activities and cover over the Xmas/New Year period
You should stick together as one household for the duration of the bubble.
You can stay at each other’s homes overnight, but only during 23-27 December.
You cannot go out to a pub, cafe or restaurant in your bubble, you can only go to each other’s houses.
Young people coming back from university count as a member of their main household and don’t need to be their own household in the bubble.
Children who spend time between separated parents who are in different support bubbles may be part of both bubbles. They are the only people allowed to swap bubbles.
While you are in your household bubbles please try to:
- keep the rooms ventilated
- clean shared touch points or frequently used spaces often
- wash your hands regularly
If you have chosen to form a different Christmas bubble from other people in your household - the people you live with normally - you should take additional steps to prevent the opportunity for the virus to spread within your household, and between bubbles.
Advice for New Year in Cornwall
There is no relaxation of the tier one rules for New Year. With no public events planned in Cornwall because of Covid restrictions, we are advising residents to avoid gathering in groups of more than six either indoors or outdoors, and to keep the 'hands, face, space' public health guidance.
5 ways to wellbeing
As we are all aware, this year has been tough for everyone, and looking after our collective mental health has been a priority for our health and wellbeing team.
We have put together five simple ways of looking after yourself which could prove valuable for anyone struggling, which can be found on our website by searching for 'Five ways to Wellbeing', or by following this link:
Advice on help and financial support for those struggling
Cornwall Council has produced three information packs. They are aimed at helping residents, businesses and voluntary organisations get the help they need during these uncertain times.
The first is a community pack. This will be made available to community groups across the county. It will help them to make sure residents, including the most vulnerable, have access to the right support.
It contains information and advice on issues such as:
- finances
- council tax
- food provision
- help for those facing eviction
- how to access a COVID-19 test
The packs have been made available to community groups and businesses, as well as on the Healthy Workplaces website
Advice for those who experience domestic abuse
Sadly, reports of domestic abuse have risen during the lockdowns we have experienced this year. Safer Cornwall have issued the following safety tips for residents:
- You can leave your house to access support and safety
- If you are in immediate danger call 999
- Tell someone you trust and create a safety net around you
- If safe, have a ‘Get up and go bag’ hidden if you need to escape quickly, with all of your essential items
- Have a safe room in the house you can escape to and alert your neighbours
If you need help services are still available. If you are in immediate danger, please call 999. The police are still responding to domestic abuse as a priority during this time.
If you, or someone you know, are affected by domestic abuse or sexual violence please contact
Cornwall’s Domestic Abuse Service
Tel: 0300 777 4777
To make a referral please go to:
Bin and recycling collections
Other than on Christmas Day (December 25), bin collections will take place as normal over the festive period.
The following changes will be made to collections over Christmas.
Collections due on Christmas Day:
Rubbish due to be collected on Christmas Day will be collected on Friday 1 January.
Recycling due to be collected on Christmas Day will be collected on Saturday 2 January.
Garden waste due to be collected on Christmas Day will be collected on Saturday 2 January.
Collections due on Bank Holiday Monday (Monday, December 28) will take place as normal.
If your collection is due on any other day of the week over the Christmas period your rubbish and recycling will be collected as usual. It may be that the time of collection is different than usual. So please ensure that you have your rubbish and recycling out by 7am.
And finally thank you...
We have received a letter of thanks from Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, recognising the hard work of all of those in local government over the past year. I have attached a copy of the letter to this message for you to read.
I would also like to personally thank all Members for the work you have done in their communities in this very challenging year. It has not been easier, but the way we have pulled together to ensure we protected the most vulnerable from the effects of the pandemic has been wonderful to see.
Thank you for all you have done, and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy and peaceful New Year.
Best wishes
Julian German
Hembrenkyas an Konsel
Konseler Kernow rag Pastel-vro An Ros
Leader of the Council
Cornwall Councillor for the Roseland Division
Visit website
17th December 2020
The Coronavirus Act 2020, Parish Council meeting and information regarding Coronavirus restrictions and support
New national restrictions from 5th November 2020 - Latest on lockdown from Cornwall Council: 6th November 2020
New national restrictions started on Thursday 5 November to help control the spread of the coronavirus. Cases of COVID are currently lower in Cornwall than in other parts of the country, but we all need to play our part in protecting each other and the NHS.
This lockdown won’t be exactly the same as the last one. Some of the differences include:
- Household Waste Recycling Centres are remaining open, as are playgrounds and country parks. You can find out You can find out what’s happening with individual Cornwall Council services on Cornwall Council’s website - see link below.
- Schools and universities will remain open during the lockdown, as will early-years childcare settings. Parents are also allowed to form a childcare bubble with another household for informal childcare, where the child involved is aged 13 or under.
- People aren’t allowed to go on holiday, or to visit second homes, except for in exceptional circumstances where it is necessary to be able to work.
- Those considered to be especially vulnerable to the effects of the virus will not be asked to shield this time around. Those who are clinically extremely vulnerable and are employed are asked to work from home. All are advised to go outside for exercise when possible.
- You are allowed to meet with one person from another household to exercise outdoors, and children under school age are allowed to attend those meetings.
- Adults living alone are allowed to form a support bubble with another household, meaning they can visit each other’s homes, stay overnight and meet in outdoor spaces.
Cornwall Council’s website - What's happening with our services
6th November 2020
Funding for community food groups
Update 15/12/2020: The application process is now paused until the 11 January 2021. You are welcome to submit a new application during this time.
Cornwall Council’s new Emergency Food Assistant Fund can give grants of up to £25,000 to community food groups supporting people who are struggling to afford food and other essentials due to COVID-19. Cornwall Council has received a grant allocation of £628,000 from DEFRA, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, to run the programme.
Existing and new community food organisations across Cornwall, including non-constituted groups, can apply for funding. This can be used to pay for food, equipment, storage, transport costs or any other items which can build their capacity, infrastructure and resilience so they are in a stronger position to help their communities access emergency food and essential supplies.
An organisation can apply for a maximum of two grants. Grants can be spent on revenue and capital to enable support for infrastructure costs, which many groups have said they need help with.
Recipients must spend their grant by 31 March 2022. This is to allow sufficient time for the grant to have a more sustainable impact.
Please share this information with community food groups in your area.
Emergency Food Grants
2nd November 2020
Early life story of Landrake by Ray Roberts
I was born in 1940 at Wotton Cross near Landrake, a village known as Larrick by the local adults. Father worked as a horseman on Wotton Farm for Ernest Tamblyn. As the war was still on in my early days father and my older brother, Tracy, dug an air raid shelter for the family over the hedge at the top of our long garden where, beside an oak tree, there was a grass bank alongside the road, which was known as Shirley’s Road. There were seven of us at the time, one brother and three sisters, Elsie, Violet and Doreen – who was always called Deano, plus father and mother, Tracy and Lilian.
This grassy bank was wide enough for a large pit to be dug and was covered with galvanised steel sheets piled up with earth. The idea was that if the Germans bombed our house, we would be safe in the shelter. It was said that the only sound to be heard whilst we were all in there during the night was a sucking sound made by me sucking my dummy. Luckily no bombs were dropped on the house but looking towards Plymouth during the hours of darkness I can remember seeing searchlights that were waving to and fro over the city seeking the German planes.
Father told us that during the war a bomb landed on one of the fields at Wotton and when the army came to deal with it father was working down ground with a harrow and two horses at the top of the field. He told us that as soon as the army lorry arrived beside the bomb, one of the soldiers started making sandwiches and a large urn of tea. After a while a soldier came up to where father was working and told him to hold the horses heads as they were going to blow up the bomb, which they did. And then father went back to work.
I have since been told by Martin Tamblyn of Holwood farm, near Blunts, that his father told him that one of the soldiers who dealt with the bomb had the glass on his wristwatch broken by a small piece of shrapnel from the explosion. After the war, when I was seven or eight (19447 – 1948) I can remember a light aircraft landing on a field called Church Meadow beside Penlynher bungalow and I later learnt that it was an Auster aircraft that was on an observation flight.
My earliest recollection of cart horses is from when I was about three years old and my father called in home to collect something that he had forgotten to take that morning and he brought a pair of horses with him. These were Clydesdale-cross and not Shires although most people call these big horses Shires, and some of their names were, Madam, Punch, Flower, Violet and Hector. Anyway, whilst father was indoors taking to mother, I went out and wrapped my arms around the front leg of one of them. This made the mare look down in surprise and dad had to rescue me before the horse walked off with me as a passenger.
As soon as I was old enough to walk a fair distance, I was taken by my older brother and sisters on long walks across the fields and through the woods. My brother, Eric was three years younger than me so it was a few years before he was old enough to join us. We would look at rabbits and birds and would pick a bunch of wild flowers to take home.
I can remember my first day at Landrake School where the teacher for us infants was Miss Churchward. Anyway, at lunchtime I was walked home by one of my sisters to have lunch and after eating I was right out into the garden to play thinking, incorrectly, that the school day was over. However, I was soon on the way back to school to join my new classmates.
During my boyhood, in common with nearly all the boys in the village we walked in groups looking at nature. We collected frogspawn during late February and March and there were several ponds around the village, all of which were in farmers fields. One was near Wisewandra where Stuart Delbridge lived and another was near Lantallack where Vivien Garrett lived. The frog spawn was collected in a large jam jar that had a rim on the top which allowed us to tie some string around it, very tightly, to make a carrying handle. At home the spawn was kept in a large sweet jar about eighteen inches high which we would get from the village shop and we collected pond weeds to go into the water for when the tiny frogs hatched out. Every day we checked the jar to see when the frogs grew legs. Front legs were the first to appear followed by the back legs and then the tail would be ingested into the body so the tiny amphibian would be a model of an adult frog.
Just up the lane from our house, towards Wotton Farm, there was Rogers’ field which had a deep pond in the corner with just a wooden post and wire fence around it. I can't remember any frog spawn in the water but we used to pull out the clumps of water weeds and find newts in it. These were taken home and kept in a trough of some kind. Of course, newts being water-based lizards; they had legs so they were always walking away. This pond provided drinking water for the fat bullocks that were kept in the field.
Mr Rogers was some kind of cattle dealer who also owned a butchers shop in the village. Mr Snell who lived here in Quethiock in a large house that was once the village pub, the Masons Arms, was also a cattle dealer. Mr Snell used to call over at the school at kick - out time and tell me and Eric and the Alford boys to get ready half an hour before the usual time we left for school in the morning and he would pick us up and drive us several fields away so we could move his bullocks from a field along the Blunts road into a different field. I think he would give us a few pence each, never more than a three-penny bit, but of course our boots would have traces of cow dung on them and we still had to go into school.
We also collected wild birds’ eggs which we kept in a large flat box with a layer of fine sawdust on the bottom into which we would place the eggs with a small paper label to identify the different species. During the school summer holidays we spent every day walking around field and through woodland as well as looking in the road hedges for different nests but we only collected one egg of each bird plus an extra one to be used as ‘swaps’ with other kids. There were usually five of us on these forays, me, my brother Eric, Maurice Tamblyn from the farm and Tony and Roger Alford from Skelton Park just down the road towards Pillaton. We carried the eggs home in a tin filled with grass so they wouldn't be broken. The egg of the Buzzard was the largest we collected, apart from a Goose which doesn't count as it is a domestic bird and I think the Long-Tailed tit was the smallest egg that we collected. I don't think we ever found a Cuckoo's egg even though that egg was always on our minds for finding one of them would have been a highlight. Thankfully, at least from the bird’s point of view, egg collecting has been illegal now for many years.
Sometimes our egg hunting forays would take us to a field called Blackymash where there was a fair bit of 'beach' alongside the River Lynher and downstream there was a small island in the middle of the water. We would catch small eels about three to four inches long and small big-headed fish that were hiding underneath the round rocks on the river bed. On the opposite bank of the river the land was owned by the Renfree farmers who had a lot of horses of the riding kind. They probably had cart horses as well and were probably the first to have a 'modern' tractor like a Ferguson T20 tractor.
This tractor, designed by Irishman Harry Ferguson was unique as it sported hydraulic link arms on the rear which could be connected to a small trailer, called a link box, a plough, mower and even a circular saw. I think every tractor in the world uses this hydraulic attachment system which was Ferguson's patent. Ironically, I think Harry Ferguson died penniless in his native country.
It's odd that I ended up living in Quethiock village which is just over a couple of miles from Wotton Cross where was a travelling shop that came once a week. This ex-army lorry with a tarpaulin canopy over the back, that was filled with groceries, was owned by Gene Harris who also owned the shop in Quethiock. A man came with him called Blacky as he had to unload coal for customers and paraffin for our oil lamps.
Back then the quarry near Holwood farm - Holwood Quarry - was producing stone for building purposes and every morning of the working days, I think it might have been around half past seven, the 'quarry lorry' would go past Wotton Cross taking quarry men who were riding in the back of the lorry under a framed canopy, to work from Landrake. These men even carried a milk churn full of water on the lorry for drinking at the quarry. The noise of the lorry passing the house would wake us children up so it was time to get dressed and have our breakfast before walking to school.
I can remember a man riding a cycle would stop and ask mother if she wanted any knives or scissors sharpened. Mother would hand over her carving knife and this man would place his cycle on its stand and a thin belt was looped around a pulley on the back wheel and around another pulley on a small grinding stone on the handle bars, so when he pedalled his bike the belt turned the grinder and he would sharpen the knife. He would turn up, unannounced, about every six months.
Orange Billy
Occasionally we boys would go down to the quarry and walk around where the rubbish stone that was no good for construction was thrown down a tip in the hilly field next to the quarry. We would search through the stones until we found one with some 'gold' in it which was really, unknown to us, iron pyrites. We would try to chisel out this golden substance with our pocket knives but all we ever collected was a small amount of grit.
We had no television back then and probably the only entertainment on the 'wireless' or radio for children was Dick Barton - Special Agent at 6.15 each weekday evening. Then it was The Archers, a program for grownups that came on the Light Programme afterwards. Way out West was a Country and Western programme produced if I remember correctly by Earl Stanley Gardener, or was its Guy Kingsley Pointer? for Sunday mornings after the omnibus edition of the Archers which was introduced by Tom Forest. I think mother would listen to Mrs Dales Diary during the afternoons if the wireless accumulator has enough juice in it. The two-volt accumulator was a lead acid battery that supplemented the two dry batteries, a one and half volt unit in the same cardboard case as a 120 volts battery. I think it was connected to the radio by means of a four-pin plug. If I remember correctly, father or older brother Tracey would drop the accumulator into Notter Bridge Garage for charging up, on his way to work at Trematon and me and Eric, my younger brother, would collect it on the way home from Sunday School which meant we had to walk down Ducky Lane to the garage and then come up Frenchmen's Lane. The radio was fitted into a large wooden radio cabinet which had a large dial on the front marked out in metres for the long and medium wavebands.
Frenchman's Lane was the road opposite our house at the cross roads and was, hundreds of years ago, so named after some French pirates came up to Notter Bridge by boat where the river began to be tidal and they were chased up the narrow lane that went up to Wotton Cross. Some were caught and it was said that a farmer, either in Wotton or Talvans Farm took a bullock out into the lane, poured tar over its back and set alight to it. The animal got upset of course and charged through the lane killing several Frenchmen. A couple escaped and travelled across country to a manor near Trerulefoot where they were caught. The manor house was then named Catchfrench and is still there today.
We kids got our first taste of television on Coronation Day down at the village pub, the Bullers Arms. Beside the back door of the pub was what was called the pigeon hole, a small door about eighteen inches square which when opened gave access to the public bar. So, anyone could knock of the door and the barman would open it and serve maybe a bottle of beer or cider or even cigarettes and nobody in the bar drinking were able to see who was doing the buying.
Anyway, on Coronation Day the landlord brought his television, one of probably only two sets in the village - Mr Menhenick had the first one I think, down into the bar so his customers could watch the live broadcast. One of the kids discovered that the pigeon hole was open and the television, probably no bigger than fourteen-inch screen, was visible from the pigeon hole so it wasn't long before about twenty of us were all pushing and shoving to get a view of the screen. However, when we went back in the evening to watch some more telly we were told to bugger-off.
This pigeon hole was where we took any empty beer bottles that we found in the dumps, along the lanes and even in people's back yards. The pub landlord would give us a couple of pence each bottle which was quickly carried across the road to the village Co-op to purchase crisps or ice creams. We found that cattle 'drench' which was basically medicine for cows came in bottles very similar to beer bottles but no matter how much we scrubbed the drench bottles the landlord always knew they weren't beer bottles.
All the children in Larrick went to Sunday school. There were three in the village, ours was the Methodist Church, and then there was the Anglican Church and another one which may have been the Methodist North Church, now a dwelling house on the road near Home Park. In fact, our Methodist Church is now a dwelling house and a new church was built some years ago in the grounds. Once a year in the summer we had a Sunday School Anniversary for which we practiced the songs for many weeks leading up to it. Then on the anniversary day we had to do three performances, morning, afternoon and evening. This evening service was always a 'full house' with seats filling the aisles. Then the following Tuesday after school we had sports and then tea in the field beside the Methodist Church. Afterwards there was another performance in the church. These performances were when the lucky kids got their new clothes.
Then there was the Sunday School Trip in the summer when about five of Deeble's coaches would come into Landrake on a Sunday and take us Methodist children and our parents up the Torquay for the day. This was about the only time we visited the beach and mother always made pasties for our lunch and apple pasties for 'pudding'. We would go into the sea wearing our swimming suits, not trunks back then, and then later we would walk around the town looking at the shops. Sometimes we would have our family photograph taken by a photographer in the street who would use a large wooden boxed camera which developed the picture whilst we waited.
Another thing we all did during the summer was to pull out of the hedge any yellow flowered Ragwort we came across. This plant was dangerous to horses and cattle so before it killed off the animals, we killed off the plants by laying them on the road. Nowadays Cornwall Council workers would pull up the flowers growing beside the main roads around Liskeard. Two men and a lorry and I don't think either of them ever saw a cow or horse walking the main road on their own. In fact, cattle are not even driven along the road nowadays so there is no way they could eat a stem full of ragwort leaves. I have been told by several farmers that cattle and horses will not eat the plant whilst it is growing. But, when the hay field that contains ragwort is cut and bailed then fed to animals, they eat it, not knowing what it is as it is dry.
During dry weather and grass in the meadow was short, after school Eric and I had to take our four cows out into Shirley's Road which went from the crossroads towards Blunts, where they used to eat the vegetation on the hedges before they were pared back by Cornwall County Council workers Arky Olver and Ennis Barrett who would send word to dad when they knew they would be coming our way - they knew what we used to do with the cows. There was hardly any traffic on that road then.
We were lucky enough to have a teacher, Mr Scales, who was interested in nature so once a week during the summer months he took the whole class up the lane opposite the school, across the fields and down to the River Lynher. The whole class of thirty odd kids would spend the afternoon there finding and identifying different plants and flowers, especially those that grew along the river edge as they were different from the ones we usually noticed in the woods and fields. Birds were also observed and identified.
This is something that no longer happens, one teacher in charge of over thirty pupils and, of course when we went home with legs and boots covered in mud to say nothing of the cuts and bruises, we sometimes collected, there were no complaints from our parents or claims like there are nowadays. Each child looked after themselves and their classmates and we were all glad to get out and about.
With my brothers and sisters and with mother in charge the hazel nut collecting in the Autumn was a science as we were only allowed to pick nuts that were ‘slipshell’ as they were all stored in a small hessian sack that was hung on a beam on the kitchen ceiling and kept until Christmas. Those that were not ‘slipshell’, meaning they had to be picked from their husks using finger nails, would rot as they were not ripe. These were eaten in the field. Sweet chestnuts were also collected but these had to be eaten within a couple of weeks as they soon went bad. It appears our climate was too wet for these English chestnuts unlike the Spanish variety which would keep for months.
Collecting wild food such as nuts and mushrooms was essential to our way of life. We relied on the mushrooms to be part of our meals after our mother fried them in dripping. In those days there seemed to be hundreds of mushrooms around the fields on the farm where we lived. Hazel nuts were the same, if we collected none to keep, we had none at Christmas apart from one coconut mother would buy at the village shop. Before we ate this nut, father would make a hole in the hard shell to drain out the coconut milk inside. This was collected in a cup and passed around for us all to have a drink of this sweet liquid.
Blackberries were also picked and after they were washed mother would store them in Kilner jars to be used when she made blackberry or apple and blackberry pie. Blackberry jelly was also producing in the kitchen that, like most other cottages at the time, only had a black stove.
Our daily meat would be either salted pork from the trundle or rabbit meat. Rabbits would be caught by ‘rabbiting’ which involved placing a small net over all the rabbit holes in a field hedge, both sides of course and putting the ferret into one of the holes. As the ferret travelled through the network of tunnels the rabbits would try to escape but were caught in the net at the entrance to the warren. We also set gin traps - now illegal - to catch the rabbits which had to be released from the trap which caught them by the leg and killed by wringing their necks. The animal would be roasted whole or cut up and fried, as well as being cut into small pieces and stewed. In fact, most of our evening meals consisted of rabbit or pork.
Rabbits were an important source of meat as it supplemented the supply of pork from the 'trundle' which was basically half a wooden beer barrel into which pieces of the cut-up pig were placed between layers of salt which preserved the meat. Mother would take the piece of meat out of the trundle the night before it was needed, placing it in a pan of water overnight. This removed some of the salt before it was cooked. Throughout its rather short life the pig was kept in a 'pig sty' and fed kitchen leftovers and corn. Usually the animal acquired a name and when the road hedges were covered in Hogweed, which we called Builder, we would pick armfuls of the stalks and leaves to throw into the pig sty. As it helped the pig to gain weight this is probably how it got its nickname.
The first job Eric and I had to do when we got home from school and after we changed our clothes was to clean out the cow’s house which was attached to our living house. This is where father milked our four cows twice a day. Once before he went to work and then again after he came home from work, before he ate his tea. The milk was collected in a churn and after mother had taken enough for the house the churn was placed on the 'milk stand' beside the road alongside the milk churns from Tamblyn's farm and the Alford's small holding. The 'milk lorry' driven by Mr Jane who lived at Blunts, collected all the milk from the surrounding farms and took it to Dawes Creamery down beside the ferry in Saltash where it was pasteurised and bottled. Every month we received the 'milk cheque' from the creamery. We had two fields, Wotton Cross meadow and Three Corners. I can remember that Mr Jane had an artificial leg.
We had no electricity in the house so the main light for the kitchen was a pressurised Aladdin paraffin lamp and we had candles in candle sticks which were saucer shaped pieces of metal with a handle and a small upright pipe in the centre for holding the candle. Water had to be pumped up from the well out the front of the house. In the cow’s house there were two taps connected to pipe work which ran up into the hay loft above the cow’s house where there were two large water tanks, one tank for each of the two houses - ours and next door. So, water that was pumped up into these tanks fed taps in ours and next doors kitchens and the outdoor toilets.
Every few years the washers in the water pump, which was situated down in the well needed replacing so somebody, usually Violet or Doreen's husband, Sam or Les, was lowered down on a rope the replace the washers which were usually cut from old leather boot. The drains from the toilets ran beneath the road into a field farmed by Jim Pote of Talvans Farm and occasionally the 'cess pit' had to be uncovered and dipped out with a bucket.
The Robert Geffery School at Landrake took children of all ages. So, you went as an infant and left at fifteen unless you passed the Eleven Plus exam and went to Grammar School in Saltash. I can remember some youngsters were evacuees and with their parents lived in old railway carriages and wooden hut beside the River Lynher at Notter Bridge. Nobody seemed to take any notice of the way these families had to live back then but just imagine a family living in a hut with only one door and one window.
Every Monday evening Mr Hicks would bring his sixteen-millimetre film projector and screen to the Robert Geffery Hall in the village and shown films for about three hours. The program started with a short travelogue type film and then there was a ten-minute episode of Captain Silver, William Tell or Superman starring George Reeves. Then the Golemont British News for ten minutes and then the ninety-minute feature film was show. That was when we became familiar with John Wayne, Wild Bill Hickock and Lex Barker as Tarzan. Elizabeth Taylor was in the first colour film that I remember, National Velvet. When he stopped the projector to load a new reel which were quite large in diameter, Mr Hicks would walk up to the front of hall with his diary in his hand and read up what films he had booked for the coming weeks. This would sometimes bring a cheer from the kids.
It is ironic but on the screen Superman star, George Reeves, would be shot at and the bullets would bounce off his chest but in reality, George was killed by a shot from a gun. I don’t think it was ever proved if he committed suicide or whether he was murdered. He was, however, type cast as Superman and when he appeared on screen in a cowboy film all the kids in the audience would shout “It’s Superman” So when the Superman series ended George was out of work although he did appear in Gone With The Wind and one of two brothers who both fancied Scarlet O’Hara.
In fact, I think the whole village used to attend the showings with all the children having to sit up the front. Mrs Chubb was standing beside the stage waiting for the signal from Mr Hicks in the back of the hall, that everybody was in and she would turn off the hall lights to the cheering of all the kids. Sometimes we used to get a lift home with Mr and Mrs Sparks who lived down beside the strawberry gardens near Notter Bridge, in their Morris Eight with all us four in the back.
Back in 1953 when I was thirteen fathers took a job with Percy Walters at Furselow Farm between Blunts and Clapper Bridge, so we left Landrake parish.
Thank you to Ray Roberts for sending this.
Early life story of Landrake by Ray Roberts
21st October 2020
Parish Council remote meetings
On 2 April, the government published The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020. The regulations, which came into force on 4th April 2020, enabled Parish Council’s to hold remote meetings. Further information is available on the National Association of Local Council’s dedicated website
5th April 2020
Dog Fouling
The Parish Council is aware of an increase in dog fouling in Landrake and St Erney and are asking the community to use Cornwall Council's 'Report it' facility.
In a recent email communication from Cornwall Council's Dog Welfare and Enforcement Officer I was advised:
'Fouling is an offence for which Cornwall Council regularly issue fixed penalty notices and/or prosecute. They require evidence to identify the offenders, thereby linking people to these offences.'
Karenza Heald, Parish Clerk
1st February 2020